Weight Loss for Parents

When it comes to guiding your child towards a healthy lifestyle, it's vital to ensure that your own habits aren't an obstacle. Although my focus is on youth, I have extensive experience with adult weight management and am excited to help you reach a healthier body. Treating your body the way it deserves to be treated isn’t selfish - it’s a win for you and your child!

  • Develop a plan that mirrors your child’s while addressing your specific obstacles to healthier habits.

  • Medication options if appropriate.

  • No calorie counting but focusing on balance and listening to your body.

  • This option is only offered for parents and caregivers of current pediatric and adolescent patients.

  • The first month consists of an approximate 30-50-minute consultation appointment where we cover all aspects of weight and lifestyle. This can be done at a separate time from your child or on the same day as your child.

  • Approximately one week after your consultation, we will return for an additional 30-50 minutes where we will discuss my evaluation and detailed plan. This is where we really start to make some positive changes. Your action plan may mirror your child’s but will also make sure to address your specific obstacles.

  • We will meet monthly to reevaluate progress, while continuing to learn new skills. These appointments are important to identify and detour any roadblocks.

  • Greatest success lies in frequent contact. This is done through check-ins on the online portal, educational materials and videos, and newsletters every other Monday. While my intention is not to become a nuisance, you should feel a Maverick presence frequently.

  • You have the freedom to conclude your time with Maverick whenever you choose. There are no long-term commitments, and you can cancel anytime (see pricing details page for specifics. While every person is different, about a year should equip your child with the skills to sustain healthy habits. Nevertheless, additional support often transforms knowledge into action, so feel free to stay for as long as you and your child benefit from it. You may also continue to be seen here at Maverick even if your child has completed the program.

    If you are taking medication and we determine together that you are at a maintenance phase, we can change your membership from monthly to being seen every 2 or 3 months instead.

  • Monthly membership fee of $189 which includes one office visit, check-in by phone or email portal and monthly support materials. There is a $100 initiation fee which covers your consultation evaluation and plan development. Please see pricing page for more details.